Collaborator team: Principle Investigator Dr Sarah Annesley  (La Trobe University) and co-chief investigators Dr Lesley Cheng (La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences) and co-chief investigator Dr. Anna Brooks (Liggins Institute, University of Auckland)

I am excited to announce our first Trans-Tasman study that specifically aims to include patient cohorts from two geographical areas (NZ and Australia). Led by Dr Sarah Annesley (and her team Daniel Missailidis and Oana Sanislav. Our project aims to investigate alterations in the expression of small RNA molecules. It has been funded by The Judith Jane Mason & Harold Stannett Williams Memorial Foundation, more commonly known as The Mason Foundation (managed by Equity Trustees Limited). This funding will enable us to explore how viral infection, metabolism, and the protein kinase S6K influence these small RNA molecules. By combining miRNA profiling with immunometabolic analysis, we aim to uncover deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms driving ME/CFS and identify potential biomarkers for the disease. The study will largely be undertaken in Australia, however we will be contributing samples and expertise for the immunometabolic assays. We look forward to working with this highly regarded team!!